This work is in collaboration with Dr. Pradip Dutta, Head of National Facility for Semi-Solid Forming (NFSSF), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The work forms project theses of Shree Vishnu Rao, Santhanagopalan and M.S. thesis of Sandhya. Semi-solid billets of A356 alloy were provided by NFSSF. Shree Vishnu Rao explored the effect of reheating on the microstructure of the semi-solid billets. Since the semi-solid class of alloys can be used for both wrought and cast applications, Santhanagopalan initiated the weldability studies on these alloys. He used friction and TIG welding techniques. Sandhya has performed a detailed study on the evolution of microstructure of semi-solid alloys during TIG welding. Interestingly, fusion zone in these alloys retains the globular microstructure when the partially melted zone (PMZ) has sufficient width.
We have also collaborated with the group of Prof. Pradip Dutta on the friction welding aspects of semi-solid alloys. This was the work of Shailesh Singh who did his Ph.D. with Prof. Pradip Dutta and Prof. Kamanio Chattopadhyay.